Monday, January 30, 2012

When bad things happen to you, the perception that they are bad is all in your head.  Instead of regretting and beating yourself up over them, consider that maybe they happened in order to make you a better person and/or helped you move towards your dreams.  How did your past mistakes, setbacks, and hurts benefit you???

Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Law of Attraction says that the things you think and feel about, the things you focus on, are what physically manifests around you.  What is it that you are really focusing on?  Is it on what you want or the lack of what you want?  And how do you feel about that?

Monday, January 16, 2012

 What image do you have of yourself?  Do you see yourself as fat or thin, or intelligent or stupid, as good at sports or bad at sports, as valuable or worthless, as rich or poor?  Where did this image come from?  And who are you comparing yourself to?  And why?  What do you feel is necessary to carry around with you so that you can continue to see yourself that way? What image do you want to have of yourself?  Asking powerful questions like these can lead to a lot of revealing answers.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

The difference between a Law of Attraction life coach and a counsellor, according to Tracy
A life coach does not advise his/her clients what they should do, or tell them how to solve a problem, as a counsellor would do.  Instead he/she empowers them to gain access to the infinite wisdom and guidance that exists within them and knows the right path for them to take. A life coach does not get them to revisit their past, as a counsellor would do. Instead he/she focuses on providing different perspectives and ways to feel better as regards the present situation, in order to empower clients to create a future where they can be, do, or have anything they want. He/she holds them accountable for what they said they would do to make sure they keep moving forward towards their vision.